• Culver City’s Centennial Celebration Begins! – On Saturday, September 24th, Culver City will kick off its year-long Centennial Celebration. Everyone is invited to join in on the fun beginning with the Parade, which begins at 9:00 am and runs along Culver Boulevard from Overland Avenue to Lafayette Place. The Parade will be followed by the Opening Ceremonies near the Culver Hotel. You won’t want to miss the Downtown Culver City Block Party of the Century, which lasts until 4:00 pm. The Block Party includes a Taste of Culver City, featuring the culinary stars of Culver City. The City wishes to thank the Culver City Centennial Celebration Committee, the Culver City Historical Society, the Culver City Downtown Business Association, countless volunteers and staff, and the many sponsors for all of their efforts leading up to this amazing kick-off event. For more information about all of the wonderful Centennial events, please visit www.culvercity100.org. (Photos: Culver City Historical Society)
Fire Department
• Training – On August 31st, Fire Department members attended high angle rope rescue training in Santa Monica with the Los Angeles County and Santa Monica Urban Search and Rescue teams. Fire staff practiced the principles of rescuing people from a cliffside or tall building. The Culver City Fire Department conducts over 22,000 hours of training annually.
• Chimney Fire Strike Team Deployment – From August 22nd– 29th, an engine with four Culver City Firefighters was deployed to the Chimney Fire in San Luis Obispo. Off-duty firefighters were recalled during the deployment, enabling a full response force for Culver City.
• National Preparedness Month – September is recognized as National Preparedness Month, which serves as a reminder that we all must take action to prepare, now and throughout the year, for the types of emergencies that could affect us where we live, work, and also where we visit. Check in at www.fb.me/CulverCityFD and follow us on Twitter @CCFireDept for more information. Also, remember to sign up for Nixle, the City’s emergency notification system. To sign up for phone, email and text alerts, visit www.nixle.com. Or, simply text your zip code to 888777 from your cell phone to receive local alerts through Short Message Services (SMS). Thank you for taking time to help make Culver City more prepared for emergencies.
• Water First Program – The Water First Program is being offered to residents again in support of National Preparedness Month! Culver City residents can purchase a 55 Gallon Water Storage System at a discounted price with free delivery to our drill yard for pick-up. The system allows you to fill a 55-gallon drum with water, which is good for 5 years. More Prepared has created a special landing page on its website for Culver City residents to place their orders before September 16. For more information about the program, visit www.culvercity.org/fire. Visit http://www.moreprepared.com/culver-city-residents.html to place your order.
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department
• Culver City Disability Services – The Disability Services program was fortunate to collaborate with Backbones on Saturday, August 20th to offer a day of yoga for people with spinal cord injuries or other disabilities. The schedule for the day included a speaker discussing “trauma-infused yoga;” a panel discussion with students and instructors; a presentation on the elements of adaptive yoga; and an adapted-yoga class. A partner at Backbones commented, “Thank you so much for working with us on our event. It was a great success, and we got some great feedback from the participants. You have a great facility!”
• Culver City Senior Center Health Seminar – “Building up Your Immune System with Good Nutrition,” a health seminar conducted by Dr. Todd Adams, will take place on Tuesday, September 27th at 10:00 am at the Culver City Senior Center. Dr. Adams will share his expertise on how proper nutrition can build up your immune system and prevent colds and the flu. He will cover vitamins and minerals, the many different diets you’ve heard about, and specific diets for certain conditions like diabetes and other conditions. All educational seminars at the Culver City Senior Center are open to member of the public ages 50 and older.
• The Annual Los Angeles County Flu Clinic – Save the date! The annual Los Angeles County Flu Clinic will be offering free flu shots to our community on Thursday, October 20th from 9:00 am – 11:00 am at the Veterans Memorial Building.
• Fiesta La Ballona – Culver City’s Annual Fiesta La Ballona took place from August 26th – 28th with an estimated 28,500 people in attendance. The event was led expertly by the Fiesta La Ballona Committee: Chair Marcus Tiggs, Vice Chair Celeste Anlauf, Randy Arizmendiz, Karen Gibbs, Ronnie Jayne, Jeanne Min and Bob Wayne. Dan Jassim, Dawn Melton, Susan Obrow, Jill Thomsen and Catherine Vargas were the City’s staff liaisons. Carnival rides generated a record $62,594 for the City, and the event included over 30 sponsors, 80 volunteers, and 200 performers. The marketing plan was expanded to include ads in the Metro EXPO Line train cars and at the Culver City Metro EXPO station. The Transportation Department partnered with the PRCS Department to promote specific bus routes for the event. The first commemorative T-shirt was created in partnership with the Culver City High School Academy of Visual and Performing Arts. Event organizers and staff implemented a zero-waste plan, and waste was diverted from the landfill through a combination of sorting loads to recycling facilities and to Waste-to-Energy facilities.
Public Works Department
• Ballona Creek Bike Path Closure – The Public Works Department is scheduling the complete closure of the Ballona Creek Bike Path between Overland Avenue and the easterly limit near National Boulevard from September 19th through the 23rd. During this closure, staff will address pavement repairs, vegetation/tree trimming, graffiti abatement and fence repair. During this closure, the public will not be able to access this portion of the Bike Path and are encouraged to seek alternative routes and utilize the other access points to the Bike Path. Barricades with signage notifying the public of this closure will be placed at each access point to the Bike Path within the City’s limits. Additionally, staff will communicate the closure to the various bicycle user groups in the area.
• Road Work – Starting Friday, September 9th, Sony Studio’s contractor will begin removing portions of the median island on Overland Avenue between Washington Boulevard and Culver Boulevard for an additional left turn lane to the Sony Gate. The work will include modifications to the traffic signal and is expected to be completed by the end of October.
• Utility Work – Golden State Water Company is continuing the installation of a replacement water main on Sepulveda Boulevard between Washington Place and Washington Boulevard. The work is expected to be completed by the end of September.
Transportation Department
• Limited Edition Centennial TAP Cards Now Available! – Centennial TAP (Transit Access Pass) cards now available for $2 at either of our two physical sales locations. Come visit us in person at our City Hall or Transportation offices. These limited edition TAP Cards are available while supplies last. Get yours today! (Image, courtesy of the Culver City Historical Society, shows City Hall in 1922.)
• Effective September 19, 2016 Culver CityBus announces the following service changes –
o Line 6: Line 6 is going back to the ULCA Ackerman Turnaround.
o Rapid 6 Additional Service:
• Morning Service every 10 minutes
• Mid-day service every 30 minutes
• Additional Evening Service every 15 minutes
o Introducing Rapid 6 Short Line:
• Direct service between UCLA Ackerman and Sepulveda and Palms
• Only 8 stops!
• AM Service (Northbound only) from 6:36 AM – 10:37 AM
• PM Service (Southbound only) from 1:44 PM – 7:04 PM
o Line 1, Line 6 Local, and Rapid 6 have minor schedule adjustments.
For additional information, schedule times and maps, please visit the Culver CityBus website at www.culvercitybus.com.
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