Because our kids need to remain healthy, connected, safe and “whole” during the summer months, CCUSD has created a free lunch program complete with a variety of daily activities for students under 18! There is still time to sign-up for the program, which begins June 13 and includes, not only free lunch, but a great line-up of activities, games and more – all for free!
What: Fourth Annual Free Summer Lunch and More (the “more” is the real fun part – books, board games, special guests, arts and crafts, physical activities, etc.)
Where: La Ballona Elementary School
When: Monday – Friday, June 13 – July 29
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Lunch
11:30 am – 1 pm Activities, etc.
Who: Anyone under the age of 18 (no forms to fill out, no eligibility exercises, etc.)
Why: It has been proven that some students not only miss out on meaningful growth opportunities in the summer, but actually regress and lose academic, social and behavioral skills. This opportunity to eat a free healthy meal becomes even more impactful with the opportunities for students to learn, play games, connect with peers, connect with caring adults, participate in a summer reading program, learn a new skills, etc.
Lunch will be served from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the school Cafeteria. Special events and activities are planned daily from 11:30 am to 1 pm and will be posted at the site. The site is OPEN to all teens and children, 18 and under, and is FREE of charge. All food must be eaten on-site. Parents are more than welcome to stay and partake in interactive activities while their children eat and play. The site will be open to the public daily at 11:30 am and closed at 1 pm.
For more information, please call (310) 849.1731.
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