Wyant Surgery Scheduled

L5xfBVPF“And it’s a good thing you all didn’t elect me this time – I really would not have been ready!” Community leader Scott Wyant will be undergoing surgery today, Tuesday April 26, 2016 in the early afternoon at UCLA with Dr. Linda Liau. After an fMRI yesterday, his daughter Molly Wyant posted online “Everything went really well, and Dr. Liau has done this surgery more than a thousand times.  It will likely take 4-5 hours, so there will probably not be an update until late in the evening.”

Wyant has spent the last few days at home, resting and keeping company with friends and family.  He wanted to share with people that “I’m not going away, I’m not disengaging. I love this city and we we are going to continue our work to make it the best place in Southern California.

“I would especially encourage everyone to take heart from Andy’s speech last night. He put his fingers precisely on all the good things we’ve been accomplishing, and the dangers we face if we let ideology and anger overrun our decision making. We live in the 21st century now, and it could be great if we continue on the course we’ve set. His speech is a great road map and a great history.”

Upates will be posted. In the meantime, all good thoughts, prayers and well wishes are very much appreciated by Scott and his family.

The Actors' Gang

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