From the challenging course of the Los Angeles Marathon to the comfort of the Pattachia Room at City Hall, this past weekend was time to celebrate; the first sister city to make the connection with Culver City was Kaizuka, Japan.
While running marathons wasn’t in style when the relationship began,
our current custom is to exchange runners for the LA Marathon and Kaizuka Marathin – scheduled just a week apart this year. The Kaizuka runners, Kiyoshi Takihara and Maskao Yasube finished with very admirable times of 3:19 and 4:18, respectively. Culver City residents and sister city runners Matt Seeberger and Hamid Rostaman finished with 4:04 and 3;03 respectively. (See photos above) Rostamn will also be headed to Japan to run int he Kiazuka marathon next weekend.
Friday February 12 saw a party at Mike Cohen’s to welcome the runners and get the Sister City Committee into high gear with hospitality. More than 70 people turned out to share a few hours of fun, and City Hall was the site of the cake cutting to celebrate the 50 years with the current Japanese Consul General Harry H. Horinouchi.
Mayor Mehaul O’Leary was there to commemorate the occasion, and both Culver City and Kaizuka are looking forward to the next 50 years of kinship and camaraderie.
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