Mayor O’Leary to Honor Sister City Runners

87761356Culver City Mayor Micheal O’Leary will present commemorative gifts to L.A. Marathon runners Kiyoshi Takihara, 27, and Masako Yasuba, 40, from Kaizuka, Japan at the welcome potluck presented by the Culver City Sister City Committee, Feb. 12, 6 p.m., at Mike Cohen’s house, 4378 Jasmine Ave. Culver City.

Public is invited. Contact Marathon Exchange chairpersons Tim Petersen, [email protected], or Matt Seeberger, [email protected], for more info.
The public is also invited to share in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the sister city relationship between Kaizuka and Culver City, Feb. 15, 5:00-7:00 pm, in the Dan Patacchia Room at Culver City City Hall. Attended by the Consul General of Japan and local officials, the free event features international appetizers, dancing, singing, multi-media show, dignitary presentations and the El Marino Taiko drum team.
“The Sister City Committee has assembled a great showing of talent to rejoice 50 years of friendship and cultural exchanges with Kaizuka. We’re excited to share the joy with everybody,” said Allison Burns, co-chairperson with Lyndon Stambler of the anniversary event.

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