The public is cordially invited to attend a meeting of the Culver City Unit of League of Women Voters of Los Angeles on Tuesday, November 24, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the social hall of Culver City Presbyterian Church, 11269 W. Washington Blvd. Free parking is available behind the church; enter from Globe Avenue.
Everyone’s input is welcome as we evaluate the effectiveness of the League’s recent CCUSD Candidate Forum and start planning a forum for next April’s City Council Election. Other topics to be discussed include the following:
Why did slightly less than 12% of Culver City’s registered voters vote in the November 3 election?
Would it help to consolidate Culver City’s local elections (school district, community college district, city council)?
Are Culver City elections becoming more divisive?
What was the effect of ‘bullet voting’ in the November 3 election?
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization devoted to informed and active participation in government. It does not support or oppose any political party or any candidate for public office.
For more information call the LWV Los Angeles office at 213-368-1616.
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