CC Foodie – Essential Chocolate Offers 15% Discount to Voters

oSpecial incentive today for VOTERS from Essential Chocolate Desserts!! Get fantastic goodies for 15% off for anyone with an “I Voted” sticker November 2, 2015 at Essential Chocolate Desserts! Essential Chocolate open 10:00am – 4:30pm on election day.  Drop by and relax as you sip a signature café mocha — a rich hot chocolate with a shot of espresso – and enjoy any of  their fabulous treats. Maybe one of the new Gourmet “Ding Dongs”? Or Cake Truffles? Or a few pieces of Belgian Chocolate? Whatever you choose – even if it’s not chocolate – it’s another reason to get to the pols – and bring a friend – or two….

Thanks Melissa!

10868 W Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 287-0699
The Actors' Gang

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