Here are some highlights from the City Council meeting of last Monday October 12, 2015. At this meeting, the City Council:
Presented a proclamation designating October as Disability Awareness Month.
Presented commendations to the Exchange Club and to Marilyn Techtow for their contributions to the disabled community in Culver City.
Presented a proclamation designating October as National Arts and Humanities Month.
Designated Share our Strength’s Taste of the Nation LA event a City-sponsored event and approved fee waivers in the amount of $5,150 ($4,000 for City and $1,150 for Successor Agency fees.)
Adopted a resolution extending suspension of the collection of business tax for itinerant motion picture/television producers for an additional 10 years.
Adopted a resolution approving an updated drug and alcohol policy for the Transportation Department consistent with City Council Policy 4004 and federal mandates.
Approved an agreement with Comet Electric in an amount not-to-exceed $750,980.73 for the Energy Efficiency Streetlight Upgrade Project (PZ-684.)
Adopted a resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an application in the amount of $778,500 of Baldwin Hills Conservancy Proposition 1 grant funds.
Adopted a resolution approving an application for Proposition 84 grant funds from the Baldwin Hills Conservancy for the Culver City/Park to Playa – Ballona Creek Connection project in the amount of $336,043.
Received and filed the Culver City Centennial Celebration Committee’s quarterly report.
You may view a complete webcast of the entire meeting by visiting
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