Meeting in a Minute – City Council October 12

46_bigHere are some highlights from the City Council meeting of last Monday October 12, 2015. At this meeting, the City Council:
 Presented a proclamation designating October as Disability Awareness Month.
 Presented commendations to the Exchange Club and to Marilyn Techtow for their contributions to the disabled community in Culver City.
 Presented a proclamation designating October as National Arts and Humanities Month.
 Designated Share our Strength’s Taste of the Nation LA event a City-sponsored event and approved fee waivers in the amount of $5,150 ($4,000 for City and $1,150 for Successor Agency fees.)
 Adopted a resolution extending suspension of the collection of business tax for itinerant motion picture/television producers for an additional 10 years.
 Adopted a resolution approving an updated drug and alcohol policy for the Transportation Department consistent with City Council Policy 4004 and federal mandates.
 Approved an agreement with Comet Electric in an amount not-to-exceed $750,980.73 for the Energy Efficiency Streetlight Upgrade Project (PZ-684.)
 Adopted a resolution authorizing the City Manager to submit an application in the amount of $778,500 of Baldwin Hills Conservancy Proposition 1 grant funds.
 Adopted a resolution approving an application for Proposition 84 grant funds from the Baldwin Hills Conservancy for the Culver City/Park to Playa – Ballona Creek Connection project in the amount of $336,043.
 Received and filed the Culver City Centennial Celebration Committee’s quarterly report.
You may view a complete webcast of the entire meeting by visiting

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