New West Nile Virus activity in the environment continues to be detected all across the county. To date, 157 clinical human cases have been reported in 25 California counties. Nationally, 877 clinical cases have been reported in 41 states, with the most documented in California.
Lower your risk of getting mosquito bites. Mosquitoes are most active during evening to early morning hours (dawn to dusk). If you are outdoors during those times, use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved insect repellents and cover up: wear long sleeve shirts, and pants and other protective clothing. Keep mosquitoes out of your home. Make sure your door and window screens are in good condition.
Get rid of places where mosquitoes lay their eggs. Drain water from and cover flower pots and other places where water collects. Change water in pet bowls and bird baths 2-3 times a week.
Help Public Health track WNV by reporting dead birds, which can be a sign of WNV in an area:
California Department of Public Health
1-877-WNV-BIRD or 1-877-968-2473
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