School Board Candidate Forums – LWV Oct. 1 and Ask2Know Oct. 14

 20140923_165730_26578League of Women Voters Culver City Unit will present a candidate forum in Mike Balkman Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday October 1. Live television coverage will be provided on the City Channel (Channel 35 on Time/Warner) and the program will be replayed several times before the election. The forum will be a ’roundtable’ conversation led by former CCUSD Board Member Julie Lugo Cerra. Candidates will discuss current issues of greatest concern to them and to voters.

Ask 2 Know will be hosting a forum on Culver City’s School Board race on October 14th at 6:30 p.m. at West Los Angeles College’s Fine Arts Theater. All three candidates, Anne Burke, Kelly Kent, and Scott McVarish will be present, answering questions written and asked by local kids and teens.

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