This Saturday, August 15, it’s “Walk With a Doc” time again, or as we call it, “WWAD”. Warm-up and stretching with personal trainer Brandon Webb precedes the walk at 8:40 a.m. WWAD’s mission is to encourage healthy physical activity in people of all ages, and helps to reverse the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. This Saturday Sarah Carpenter, MD will update everyone on “Healthy Bones.” This FREE event occurs monthly on the third Saturday. You can park in the lot off Culver Blvd. behind Vets Memorial Building, near the tennis courts and picnic area, and you’ll see a white Walk With A Doc banner nearby. New for this group will be a walk on Wednesday, August 19 at 5:30 pm at Culver City Park, where Dr. Jeffrrey Penso will speak briefly prior to the start of the walk. CC Park is on on Duquesne south of Jefferson, up the hill leading to the Boneyard (dog park). Free parking is just to the left of Boneyard. Participants will walk up wooden switchbacks to Bill Botts field, then into Baldwin Hills State Park. From there they’ll ascend to the summit for a great view of what seems like the whole Southern California area. The return will be down a trail via Botts and the wooden ramps. All told less than one hour, but vigorous. Contact [email protected] for more information.
For those of you wanting to take a little easier walk (better termed a stroll), Wednesday, August 19 is also the Downtown Business Association’s Third Wednesday fun night, dubbed “Tropical Staycation,” which features a contest for the best Spiked Tropical Punch! You can say “Aloha” to summer, which means hello and good-bye, with samples of Spiked Tropical Punch (non-alcoholic samples available for the under-21 set). Playing live, Island Rhythms and Nesta will fill Downtown Culver City with the sounds of the Caribbean. Check in at any participating business to pick up your “Third Wednesday Passport,” then turn it in at the end of the night to be entered in a raffle to win summertime prizes (no purchase necessary).Third Wednesday events generally run from 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. – hopefully we’ve recovered from CicLAvia by then!
The Culver City Rock & Mineral Club will be finalizing plans for their annual picnic at this Monday night’s meeting (August 10). The meeting, beginning at 7:30 p.m., will feature Larry Hoskinson and Leslie Neff talk about their trip to Australia, and how to go about finding opals! The meeting is in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Veterans’ Memorial Building, and visitors are invited. The picnic is set for Saturday, August 15 at Lindbergh Park (5041 Rhoda Way), and besides the opportunity to feast on hot dogs, hamburgers and potluck salads, side dishes and drinks, they’ll conduct a giant silent auction with everyone’s personal donations of samples, specimens and tools. This has been deemed one of the “most fun events of the year and gives everyone a chance to visit with colleagues as well as bid for treasured items.” For more information visit
Now here’s an opportunity for serious activists: If you’re really interested in equal rights for women, it’s just a few miles away to the eighth annual GoTopless March on Saturday, August 23, where a group of women will march topless along the Venice Beach boardwalk starting at the northern end of Ocean Front Walk to the center of the boardwalk at Windward Circle, where a rally will be held urging lawmakers to allow women to go topless. (They’ll be accompanied by sympathetic and supportive shirtless men.)
Birthday wishes go out this week to Mary Ellen Fernandez, Ed Baughan, and Lori Matsunaga. If you’d like to see your (or a friend or family member’s) birthday here, send the information to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to post it!
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