Culver Citizens will have a chance to check out a flood of water saving devices and efficiency resources at the free Water Resources Fair sponsored by the Sierra Club’s West Los Angeles Group on Thursday, July 9.
Held in the Garden Room at the Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium, doors will open at 7 p.m. to reveal more than a dozen government and private displays of ways to mitigate California’s devastating drought.
The City of Culver City will unveil its Water Conservation Plan as well, giving residents a view of their future living with diminishing supplies of water.
Attendees will get free samples of biochar (and learn what it is and how to use it) and have chances to enter raffles for a water-saving rain barrel, low-flow showerheads, aerators and more, plus refreshments.
Participants include several municipal water districts, LA Stormwater, Blue Sky Biochar, low water landscapers, Rain Barrels International, garden groups and funding groups for water efficiency projects.
Free parking
Veteran’s Memorial Building, 4117 Overland Ave.
Members and non Sierra Club members welcome.
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