Annual Fox Hills Park Clean Up Day – Save the Date!

PEPimg2 jpgTake a little time this summer to meet you neighbors and keep the local park in prime condition. Come on over for the annual Fox Hills Park Clean Up Day, on
Sat., July 25th, 2015 : 9:30am – Noon at (of course ) Fox Hills Park (meet @ the benches by the playground)

The Fox Hills Neighborhood Association was established in 1972 with the purpose of enhancing the livability of Fox Hills.  Our goal is to be a trusted, reliable and comprehensive resource for the Fox Hills community. The Fox Hills Neighborhood Association watches over and serves Fox Hills community interests. Being part of Culver City, we work with the Culver City Council and Government Departments to meet the needs of our community. We encourage Fox Hills residents to communicate with us so we can learn about their community needs and issues.

Questions? Contact Fox Hills Neighborhood Assoc. at

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