Culver City Needs 16% Reduction in Water Usage

thumb1While the focus is still on water conservation and not rationing, Golden State Water’s presentation had a clear goal – Culver City must cuts it’s water usage by 16% in the next quarter, or residents will be facing financial consequences. Golden State Water General Manager Sunil Pillai represented the utility to the community, many of whom came to the Rotunda Room at the Vets Building on Friday, May 29, 2015 to ask their question about water usage.

“Some communities have to reduce their usage by 36%, but Culver City has had a long history of being conservation minded and using resources well, so 16% is the goal that’s been set for this quarter.” Pillai noted that outdoor irrigation was the biggest ‘gulp’ for most communities, and that outdoor watering would be restricted. “If your address ends with an even number, you water on Sunday and Wednesday; If you address ends with an odd number, you water on Tuesday and Saturday.” Keeping in mind the evaporation rate increases during the day, restrictions also state that water can only be done after 7 pm and before 8 am.

How will you know you have reduced usage by 16%? Golden State will be comparing to your usage in 2013, and is measured in CCF units ( a hundred cubic feet). If you usages is below 8 CCFs per month, you are in an already good conservation zone. The most important factors are avoiding runoff ( don’t water to a saturation point so the water simply runs off to the sidewalk or the curb) and don’t use water to clean driveways or sidewalks.

Without a reduction, residents will be billed an extra $2.50 per CCF for over use, with tiered increses figured in for each quarter of non-compliance.

Of course, short showers, full loads for laundry and dishwashers, turning off the faucet while brushing teeth or shaving – it all adds up .

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