Story Pirates Pilot Program @ La Ballona

geffen-story-piratesOn April 21, La Ballona Elementary School started a pilot program using theater and comedy to teach narrative writing in all of its fourth-grade classes. The program was developed and performed by the Story Pirates group, whose highly trained teaching artists spend an hour per day in each classroom for four days to work with students.

Story Pirates’ engaging and comedic theater style presentation captured the students’ imagination and encouraged them to write high-quality stories. Students have reported that Story Pirates made writing fun, and they want to do more. At the conclusion of the program, Story Pirates will collect and read every story, write positive comments on the students’ papers, and send them back to the classrooms for students to read.

The top two stories from each classroom will be selected by Story Pirates, rehearsed and then performed by professional actors at an assembly in June.

The Actors' Gang

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