Come and see one or more of four performances: Saturday, April 25th, at 3pm and 7:30pm, and Sunday, April 26th, at 2pm and 7pm. Tickets are $10 per person, ages 5 and up, and will be sold at the Box Office from one hour prior to each show, on a first come, first served basis. All proceeds from ticket sales go directly to benefit enrichment programs for Culver City Middle School students.
The students make all creative decisions, set their own schedules, and cooperate in two coordinated teams: cast and crew The idea of a student-run production company was hatched and nurtured by Ruth Morris, then-Coordinator of the Gifted and Talented Program at CCMS. This year CCMS counselor-extraordinaire Jeanine Lizotte shepherded the production.
Featuring Frances Horwitz as Dorothy, (photo left) who wouldn’t enjoy one more stroll to the Emerald City?
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