Here are some highlights from the City Council meeting of March 23, 2015. At this meeting, the City Council:
Presented a proclamation declaring April 9, 2015 “2015 Stand Up 4 Transportation Day.”
Approved an amended work plan for the Finance Advisory Committee.
Approved an amendment to the existing software maintenance agreement with Accela, Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $55,857.00 and authorized the City Manager to extend the agreement at the end of the initial term for three additional one-year terms for a cost not-to-exceed the prior year by 10%.
Approved a budget amendment in the amount of $116,462 for an agreement with Michael Baker International to prepare a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for the City and the Culver City Unified School District in an amount not-to-exceed $100,430, as well as an amendment amount not-to-exceed $16,032. Discussedthe projected funding shortfall for Housing Programs provided by the City/Housing Authority and: (1) On a Motion by Mayor Sahli-Wells, seconded by Council Member Weissman: To phase out, over an indefinite period, the Rental Assistance Program (RAP) (approved 3-2: Council Members Clarke and Weissman voting NO); and (2) On a Motion by Mayor Sahli-Wells, seconded by Vice Mayor O’Leary: To direct staff to further consider the proposals in the staff report
(and any that are brought up at the future community meeting on the creation of affordable housing) regarding homeless out reach and homeless rental assistance programs, funding sources, including fees; to support the programs and the related staff; and include congratulations in the letter to existing RAP participants informing them of the City Council’s decision and request, but not require, RAP participants share their stories about the RAP program with the City (approved 5-0).
Designated the 2015 LA Modernism Show and the 2015 Culver City Car Show as City-Sponsored events, approved license agreements with the event organizers, approved financial assistance for all soft costs for the Car Show (estimated at
$8,720) and the LA Modernism Show(estimated at $1,900), and postponed consideration of financial assistance for IndieCade to April 13th at the event producer’s request.
Provided input on the Washington National Transit Oriented Development District Streetscape Plan.
Adopteda resolution establishing parking meter fees (including a new parking meter rate of $0.75 for 15 minutes), the time period covered by such fees, the time of operation for the parking meter locations, the sharing at fifty percent (50%) of the costs of installation to be paid for by the DBA, and rescinded Resolution No. 2013-R063.
Directed the City Manager to prepare a letter for signature by all five City Council Members to the Metro Board of Directors requesting “Culver City” be included on all Expo Line train head signs, station signs, way-finding signs, and marketing materials.
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