DouglasPlus – Feral Drives, Fierce Women

Sheila_Callaghan-LCenter Theatre Group welcomes playwright Sheila Callaghan,(pictured left)  a recipient of CTG’s Fadiman Award for Playwriting, and local feminist scholars Sue-Ellen Case (UCLA) and Dr. Tiffany Ana López (UC Riverside) to the rehearsal room at the Kirk Douglas Theatre for a special one-night-only DouglasPlus event, Sandbox@CTG: “Feral Drives, Fierce Women” on Tuesday, April 14, at 8 p.m.
The evening will begin with a reading of a scene from Callaghan’s play “Elevada” with actors Satya Bhabha (“Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,” “New Girl”) and Paco Tolson. “Elevada” premieres this spring at Yale Repertory Theatre. Following the reading, there will be a panel discussion about women, ambition and how our culture responds to women who go for what they want. Joining Callaghan for the discussion, will be Case, author of “Feminism and Theatre” and Chair of Critical Studies in UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television, and López, UC Riverside Professor of Theatre. The discussion will be moderated by CTG’s literary manager Joy Meads.

For tickets, go to or call 213-628-7772.

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