Final Weekend for ‘A Chorus Line’ – March 13 & 14

s_topTEMP325x350-6592When the AVPA Blurred Vision Theater company puts on a show, they reach as high as they can and stretch for all they are worth. “A Chorus Line” is one of the most show biz shows ever presented; a line of dancers auditioning for an unnamed musical, offering themselves to the producer who is a voice coming from the darkened seats. It’s very adult piece of theater, bringing in issues of physical insecurity, unemployment, damaged relationships, sexual orientation and the vulnerability of being a performer.  And it’s a lot of fun. Really – you will walk out whistling the tunes.

This is the final weekend, with performances tonight, March  13 and Saturday March 14 at 7 pm at the Robert Frost. Tickets at the door – $15 for adults and $10 for students/children. For more info, go to

The Actors' Gang

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