CCEF Adds Stars to Field

golden-stars-backgroundThere will be even more stars honored at CCEF’s Tribute to the Stars fundraising gala on May 2 nd , because this year every CCUSD school has named not only their own Volunteers of the Year, but their own Teachers and Certificated Employees of the Year, too! Every one of these people is worthy of great recognition for the extra efforts they make to help, support and inspire our CCUSD students. We are thrilled to be celebrating them all in Sony’s Cary Grant Theatre for the awards portion of our gala evening.

The culmination of the awards presentations will be the announcement of which one of these teachers and which one of these certificated employees will have the added honor of becoming the CCUSD 2015 Sony Pictures Entertainment Teacher of the Year and CCUSD 2015 Rotary Club of Culver City Classified Employee of the Year. Those two individuals will then become eligible for the Los Angeles County competitions for 2015 Teacher and 2015 Classified Employee of the Year.

The Actors' Gang

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