El Rincon’s “Random Acts of Kindness Week” – Kathy Macaraeg

S9e9EX0rRS8MyJczL2nX2IqPyJZquAZDdeDxoF-tKivbsMFmIS0ohCMf5fy-PLQ2CA1wchmKYtwTXG0KFk_5seYnD0G1t11qVsqm3kbA9cR-_xOvgwxdkYQAYOgp3QPTg5apBuhRrwHTNSlChxBcmvws3D36wUTuyHtNIUeGuJ5jBNosIbaYJ-fAy9J4F1S1zyc_L8XNxYuAIiaFmVts9El Rincon Elementary School celebrated “Random Acts of Kindness Week,” February 10 – 13. During that week, students were encouraged to think about the special ways they could practice kindness towards others, themselves and the community. For each act of kindness, they turned in a leaf to fill in the Kindness Tree in the school auditorium.

In addition to morning assemblies focused on Kindness, for the first time, students were invited to create Valenkind Greetings for the elderly in Culver City. The students at El Rincon Elementary School made almost 500 Valenkind Greetings – so many that we had to expand our efforts to share the kindness with additional recipients. On Saturday, Feb. 14, students gathered at Meridian of Culver Village and Maycrest Manor to deliver Valenkind Greetings. Additional greetings were delivered to UCLA Mattel’s Children’s Hospital.

The week’s events were co-sponsored by the PTA and Booster Club, however, there have been severalYWE8RdV8u0kwzU3MSn_RdPZGHPFJ3RtQnq0dp4jb7xCd09wWH0mRbBXPrZImSFGG6obyU-9zIfm0KEPlfcY7AuSM1PwbrK8xxnseDNxTPbmgXTISV0pS_409L-q5Le1C-md6HHT-uFk5hzAuE0c4vGfOJ9fzc_PhfeFum5gjCRSqpx9p4SJtp5kq4tahIaDkPQi-K0phIxDaFZu_dPwcB donations to help make this event a success. The school is still accepting donations to support Random Acts of Kindness Week. Anyone interested in contributing can mail a check (payable to El Rincon Booster Club) to El Rincon Elementary School, ATTN: RAK Week, 11177 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90230.

El Rincon Students above from left to right:  Laida Alexander, Kyle Alexander, Ella McCann, Aiden Oberlander, Craig Latimore, Nicholas Macaraeg, Jasper Garner

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