The Culver City Garden Club will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, February 3, at 7:00PM, in the Garden Room of the Veterans Building, 4117 Overland Ave. at Culver Blvd. The meeting is free and there is free parking around the site. Our speaker will be Yvonne Savio, Volunteer Coordinator for the Master GardenerProgram. She will give a presentation entitled “Huell Howser Garden Tour on Innovative Ways to Garden With Re-Purposed Items”.
There will also be refreshments, a raffle and a “Show, Tell & Ask table”.
Club Voicemail: (310) 203-1482 Club email: [email protected]
The Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department is now taking names and contact information for City residents interested in renting a very limited number of Community Garden plots located near Veterans Memorial Park. In order to qualify, those interested must reside in Culver City, live in an apartment, condominium, townhome or other dwelling with no garden space available. This list will only be open for 30 days beginning January 12th and ending February 10th. Be advised that this is a waiting list that will be used when spaces become available.
If interested, please contact staff member Darren Uhl at e-mail [email protected] or phone (310) 253-6729.
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