Vote for 54th District Delegates – Jan. 11

imagesOn Sunday January 11, 2015, you can vote for 7 men and 7 women to represent the 54th Assembly District in the California Democratic Party! The progressive slate candidates come together based on their commitment to progressive values and action within the Democratic Party.

You must be registered to vote as a Democrat in the 54th AD as of the last election to be eligible to vote for Democratic Party Delegates. Sunday, January 11, 2015 Registration begins at 2 pm and closes at 4 pm. You must be in line by 4 pm to vote

Veterans Building, Multi-purpose room, 4117 Overland Avenue, Culver City, CA 90230

You must be a registered Democrat in AD54 to vote.

Progressive Democrats are committed to work for a world in which dignity, justice, equality, tolerance and peace take precedence over greed, militarism, exploitation, racism, sexism, homophobia, intolerance, fear and hate.

We endorse progressive candidates, propositions, resolutions and a party platform that supports the following issues:

· Demand workers’ rights to organize and earn a living wage
· Increase attention & funding for public schools (not corporate charters)
· Creating clean & safe alternative energy solutions/strategies that create sustainable jobs without nuclear, coal, or gas/oil hydraulic fracturing
· Full public campaign financing & overturning “Citizens United”
· Closing corporate tax loopholes & dramatic reduction of corporate welfare
· Stop supporting the TPP & engage in policies of fair trade, not free trade
· Dramatically reduce poverty & homelessness
· Increasing Community Based Policing, in lieu of the militarization of our police
· Dramatically increase rehabilitation services & prison reform vs. decriminalization
· Support labeling of genetically modified foods (GMO’s)

For more information on the progressive slate, or other Democratic Party Assembly District elections, please visit

The Actors' Gang

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