Goodsearch Supports AVPA Foundation – Get Online

imagesOur schools – like all schools – are always looking for ways to raise funds. In the search for simplicity, the AVPA Foundation has found a way that is that is about as easy as fundraising gets – The Goodsearch/ Goodshop search engine is based on website searches and online shopping and when you sign up and designate AVPA Foundation as your cause, you will get 1 cent for each website search that you do on the Goodsearch site:

An even better way to raise funds is to go to Goodshop  at and choose your favorite online stores such as Amazon, Best Buy, iTunes, eBay, Groupon,Target, Home Depot – the list goes on and on. Also, if you travel, most airline and travel sites are part of the program. Goodshop will donate from 1.5% to 7% of your purchases to AVPA Foundation.

The key to success in this program is to have LOTS of people using the search engine and shopping on a daily basis. To date, AVPA has 137 supporters and has raised $850, but we can raise that to 500+ supporters and thousands of dollars very easily doing things that we do on a daily basis anyway.

We are going into the Holiday season with Black Friday, Cyber Monday and yes, even Goodshop has a special day for online savings : “Goodshop “Sunday” November 30th, which gives double donations on lots of stores and plenty of extra savings coupons.

One last thing: Goodshop also has a free mobile app for your phone / tablet. You can also use Goodsearch on your mobile devices.

Below is a step by step guide to signing up:

Go to the site: and follow the step by step instructions in the file below:

Thanks so much and look forward to seeing the number of supporters increase as well as the donations. Have a wonderful Holiday Season, and know that all the creative talent at AVPA is thankful for your support.

The Actors' Gang

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