Dear Editor – Stepping Into Safety

Light-bulb-0003-300x198I have been a resident of Culver City for over thirty years. This morning (Wednesday, August 20th) around 9:30 I was at the intersection of Kinston and Jefferson. I had just pushed the pedestrian crosswalk button and was awaiting my turn to cross the street. The white pedestrian icon activated notifying me that it was my turn to cross the street. I looked both ways and then stepped off the curb. As a began crossing the street a blue mini van had come to a complete stop. However the driver of a white extended cab pick up truck had not reduced his speed. I ended up jumping out of the way. The driver of the pickup truck hit his brakes hard. The passenger’s side window of the truck was open and I could hear him yelling out in panicked voice “I’M SORRY.. . I’M SORRY!” After I regained my composure I carefully and quickly walked across the street.

I am a law abiding pedestrian, I walk in the MARKED CROSSWALKS and I take the time to push the pedestrian button and wait for my turn to walk. And yet time and time again when I am following the rules, drivers in Culver City are not! Our Culver City streets have become a NASCAR speed way.

With the Culver City Schools starting up on Monday, August 25 my best piece of advice to the kids walking to the various schools is to use the marked crosswalks, push the pedestrian button and when its your turn to walk look both ways and then be prepared to jump out of the way!

Mary Heyl

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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