Karen Bass to Hold ‘Town Hall’ @ CC Senior Center Aug. 16

032213-politics-karen-bass-introduces-bill-to-relieve-student-tax-loanCongresswoman Karen Bass is opening up the opportunity for answering questions and listening to opinions at the Culver City Senior Center on August 16 from 10 am to noon, at  4095 Overland Ave in Culver City. She plans to use the event to discuss what is happening in Congress.

Bass will focus on transit issues, college costs and the need for women to achieve pay equality.

She notes “At the Town Hall I will be answering questions and discussing Congressional Democrats’ plan to “Jump Start the Middle Class”—a set of common sense proposals that will help working families. I will detail my proposal that would allow local transit agencies like Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority to prioritize hiring local residents for highway and transit projects and my work to end tax giveaways for corporations shipping jobs overseas and create tax incentives to bring good paying jobs here in California.”

“Men and women work just as hard,” Bass continued, “so I will discuss legislation I am working on to ensure that  women receive equal pay for equal work. And we absolutely must address the impact of crippling college debt, so I will discuss my legislation to permanently cap the interest rate for all federal student loans at 3.4% and empower millions of young students and graduates refinance their college loans to lower rates.”

Click here to RSVP bass.house.gov/summer or call the Bass office at 323-965-1422.


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