Election June 3 – Get Your Questions Answered at LWV

lwvvoiceWho among us can claim to understand the two statewide ballot measures (Props 41 & 42) on our June 3 ballot? And who would not welcome an opportunity to talk about Measure CC, our local school bond issue?

Members and friends of LWV’s Culver City Unit will meet on Tuesday May 20 in the Community Room of Culver City Julian Dixon Public Library, 4975 Overland Ave. Business, sociability, and brown-bag lunch begin at 11:30, and the program starts at noon. Bob Stern, formerly of the Center for Governmental Studies, will be our expert speaker.

For more info on the ballot measures, see SmartVoter.org  – smartvoter.org/2014/06/03/ca/state/prop/ (Props 41 & 42) and http://smartvoter.org/2014/06/03/ca/la/meas/CC/ (Measure CC).

The Actors' Gang

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