Dear Editor – CPK Gets Youth Vote

Light bulb 0003Above all other candidates, I chose to volunteer for Chris King’s campaign because I believe King has a strong desire to get the youth involved in Culver City’s government. Electing Mr. King to Culver City Council would allow him to assemble the school board and council collectively and encourage them to finally collaborate on issues. As is, the two entities rarely work together on issues that impact both local government and Culver City citizens. If elected, I believe Chris King will present opportunities to improve our schools because he knows that the young minds in our education system are crucial to the success of our community.
After much research, I have learned that Mr. King is passionate about improving our great city as a whole, including our schools. I am a senior at Culver City High School, and for three and a half years I was under the faulty impression that the school board and city council worked together all the time since the younger generation is an undeniable part of the city. King’s attainable vision involves engaging our younger citizens in city politics because the city council’s actions affect our daily lives as well. Electing Chris King to city council would give Culver City’s youth the opportunity to get involved, creating a refreshing foundation of young, informed voters to mold the future of Culver City.

Kiana Allan

Topsy Turvy at The Actors' Gang 9/26-11/16

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