Better Biking and Walking? Bills in Committee

family_ride_group_picture(1)Two bills have been introduced in Congress that would further recent efforts to improve safety for the nation’s most vulnerable road users: pedestrians and bicyclists.

HR 3494/S 1708 Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Act would set non-motorized safety performance measures and asks states to focus on bicycle and pedestrian safety issues. Focus requirements are flexible and can range from infrastructure to education. This bill addresses the concerning data showing nationwide traffic fatalities are decreasing, but bicycle and pedestrian fatalities are on the rise.

S 2004/HR 2468 Safe Streets Act requires states to plan, design and build streets for all users. This is the same concept as “Complete Streets” and the bill supports the notion that building a road right the first time saves time, money and lives. The bill gives states flexibility for street designs, such as allowing context-sensitive improvements.

Currently, both HR 3494/S 1708 and S 2004/HR 2468 have been referred to committee, but it’s never too early to let your reps know how you feel. If you are in Culver City, you can email Karen Bass and tell her how you feel about biking and walking in your community.

The Actors' Gang

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