Schools Seeking Data for Accountability Study

imagesCCUSD Site Administrators have been collaborating on the first draft of the Local Control Accountability Plan. Focusing on three key areas (Conditions of Learning, Student Achievement, and Engagement) school officials are analyzing data to determine where we are strong and where evidence shows we need improvement.

School sites are aggressively seeking input in the Local Control Accountability Plan. They continue to meet with ELAC, PTA, School Site Council, Booster Groups, teachers and staff to discuss the following four questions:

What is our school doing that is helping your child’s success in school? Academically? Social/Emotionally?
What would you like to see improved?
What would you like to see our school do to help your child’s success in school? Academically? Social/Emotionally?
What assistance can we provide you (communication, training, etc.) so you can better assist your student?

If you have not yet had the opportunity to provide this valuable input, please send your thoughts to the above four questions to [email protected] (please note your school name in the subject line).

The Actors' Gang

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