Construction was recently completed on a new eight-foot-tall security fence at El Rincon Elementary School along Sawtelle Boulevard. The former fence was too short and did not properly secure the facility.
The $18,000 project is just one example of the scores of projects that are part of CCUSD’s on-going efforts to address critical facilities needs, especially those involving safety and security.
During the summer and thus far in the 2013-2014 school year, CCUSD has undertaken more than $730,000 in improvements throughout the District.
“We continue to identify and undertake facilities improvements at all of our school sites,” said Superintendent Dave LaRose. “We recognize there is much more to be done, but we are starting to make a dent in upgrading our facilities for the students and staff that use them every day.”
Among the projects that have been completed recently:
* Asphalt Paving at New CCHS Snack Bar
* Extensive Fencing Replacement at Several Schools
* Tennis Court Fencing at CCHS
* Garden Fence Repair at Farragut
* Asphalt and Funnel Ball Installation at Lin Howe
* Repair Sidewalk at CCHS Weight Room
* Install New Curb and Asphalt and Repair Fencing on Bike Path
* Repair Bell System at El Rincon
* Install Two Sets of Steel Stairs at La Ballona
* Install Root Barrier at Lin Howe
* New Carpet and Tile at El Marino Staff Lounge
* HVAC Repair at La Ballona
* Sinks installed in several El Marino Classrooms
* Food Services Office Roof Repaired
* Classroom Ramp Repairs
* Extensive Asphalt Paving at Several Schools
* Baseball Field Extensive Remediation
* New Baseball Outfield Fence
* High Capacity Underground Data Cables at Lin Howe and Farragut
* New Rain Gutters and Downspouts at La Ballona
* Tree Trimming and Removal at El Marino
* Tree Removal and Major Asphalt Repair at CCHS
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