Safe Routes to School Survey – Vote With Your Feet

The goal of the Southern California Safe Routes to School Regional Network and the local technical assistance efforts is to build partnerships and leverage resources in the seven county Southern California region to improve policies and the built environment to support increases in physical activity through walking and bicycling to schools and in daily life.

Te November 2013 Southern California regional network call on Thursday, November 14th from 10-11am.  Conference Call Number: 866-394-4146 Guest Code: 878934528#*4 mute/unmute

This month’s special topic: Meet SCAG’s new Active Transportation Manager and Learn about SANDAG’s Active Transportation Project Evaluation Criteria.

The SoCal regional network meetings are held monthly, the 2nd Thursday of the month from 10-11am. See agenda and updates on

And while you are here …..
Please take the Southern California 2013 Stakeholders Survey -/

Help us by providing your insights on the Southern California Safe Routes to School Regional Network efforts. Take the annual survey: 2013 SoCal Stakeholder Survey.

Thank you for being part of the awesome movement!

The Actors' Gang

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