Carmelita Bell and Elie Prsha encourage you to vote for Claudia Vizcarra for Culver City School Board. Bell and Prsha are hosting a meet and greet this Saturday, October 26th, from 11 a.m. to noon at Culver City Rotary Plaza, 5100 Overland Avenue.
Everyone is welcome to come meet the candidate, discuss your concerns about our schools, and learn about the breadth of knowledge and experience Ms. Vizcarra brings for the betterment of all the demographics represented in our Culver City School District. Claudia will respond to your concerns in either English or Spanish, depending on your preferred language.
Refreshments will be served. For more information call 424-258-0095, or email [email protected], or check the website www.vizcarraforccschoolboard.org. There are seven candidates for three seats on the Board. Be sure to vote on November 5th.
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