September 24 will be the last meeting this year at the Culver City Julian Dixon Library Community Room for the Culver City branch of LWV. As usual, members and interested friends will gather at 11:30 for sociability, business, and brown bag lunches.
Please note that September 24 is the 4th Tuesday of the month, whereas the regular meeting has been on the 3rd Tuesday. On the 3rd Tuesday (September 17), the library will be devoting that space to a polling place in the Special Primary Election for State Senate Seat 26, which was vacated when Curren Price was elected to the L.A. City Council.
Sometime during October, CCPL will close for a period of six months or more in order to undergo a thorough renovation. For this reason, our meetings will move to a conference room at the Culver City Senior Center. Time and date will change too: it’ll be the 2nd Wednesday at 3 p.m. If you are not a member of CCSC, you will need to park elsewhere (like, at Vets) — unless, of course, you walk, bike, or use public transportation.
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