Levin Looking for Walkers to Accompany School Board Run

School Board candidate Steve Levin sends a shout out to interested voters- “Walk with me ! We’ll be walking almost every weekend, knocking on doors and dropping off literature. It’s especially valuable to walk with me in your own neighborhood, but more people helping will make it easier in every neighborhood. I intend to walk up and down every street in Culver City before November 5, and have fun doing it! Eugenie Lago is organizing the walking, so you can check with her ( [email protected] ) about where I’ll be when.

Please check out the website and supporters list at levinforschoolboard.com . Many of you are already listed as supporters, so check to be sure that we spelled your name right, and tell me if we’re missing a mark next to your name for “teacher”, “elected official”, etc. If you’re not listed as a supporter, you can click on the link to add your name.

Our biggest problem is that so few people vote; in the last school board election, only 4304 people voted, out of over 25,000 registered voters who could have participated. If we can each get a handful of additional people to pay attention and vote, it will make an enormous difference!

The Actors' Gang

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