Think you might get a little bored this summer? Or the kids may get even more bored? Then think again – there is so much going on in Our Town that reading about it just about takes your breath away. Take a look at the Summer 2013 edition of the Culver City Living recreation brochure at www.culvercity.org/CulverCityLiving. There’s a huge variety of exciting summer programs and activities being offered for all ages. (And dust off the picnic basket: the annual Summer Sunset Concert series, set for six Thursday evenings in the City Hall courtyard beginning July 11!)
After a scary period a few years ago when rumor had it that the facility might be torn down, the “Friends of Culver City Scout House” are announcing the grand re-opening of the Culver City Scout House, located at 10866 Culver Blvd. The “Friends” organized in 2009 and raised the funding necessary to restore and repair the building (shared with the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club). Time and materials were donated by Bravo Construction, Stock Building Supply, Timberland Tree Company, Mobile Mini and Bee Capture, with special thanks to Yours Truly Accessibility Corporation and The Architech Group for their expertise in accessibility compliance. In addition to widespread public funding, substantial funding for the project was received from the friends, relatives and alumni of BSA Troop 113, the Culver City Rock and Mineral Club and from American Honda. The work could not have been completed without their generosity. For more information regarding building usage, visit www.culvercityscouthouse.org or www.culvercityrocks.org.
If it’s Spring it’s Carnival Time! The Culver City Lions Club will be presenting its annual Carnival Days at the Westfield Fox Hills Mall on June 21-23, with proceeds going to benefit local Lions’ charities. You can get advance sale Carnival tickets and save up to 40%. To get yours contact Lu Rivas at (818) 518-5341; Bob Nila at (310) 956-2333; or Dick Sharpe, (310) 559-8820.
The Kaizukans are coming! The Kaizukans are coming! Don’t worry, folks – that just means that this summer eight middle school age students will be arriving from our sister city of Kaizuka, Japan on July 26, departing August 4. They will be accompanied by three adults; a supervisor and two teachers. As we go to press the Committee has signed up families to host the students, but they do not yet have homes for the adults. If you have a private room available and are able to do some transporting of your guest to various meetings, etc. (you might set up to carpool with the hosts of the other adult guests) contact Kaizuka co-chair Allison Burns at [email protected]. If you can’t host, you may consider inviting the chaperons for dinner one evening during their stay and share some local hospitality. Every household is different, each family’s personal customs unique, and take it from us (we’ve hosted dozens of times) you and your guest will both take away special memories of the visit!
The Culver City Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals will “Go Italiano!” this Tuesday evening, June 11 at the brand-new 041 Bacaro, deemed an absolutely “authentic Italian restaurant” located at 9552 Washington Blvd. (the former Santa Marie BBQ, next door to Rush Street). This popular networking event will take place 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., and is aimed at younger Chamber members (and if you have to ask just what that age is, you may not qualify…) In any case, this is a fun and easy way for folks to meet face-to-face in a relaxed and fun environment with other business people that share similar interests, as well as getting a chance to build your professional network plus generate new business leads. The cost is $20.00 pre-paid; $25.00 at the door. Hurry and RSVP by 1:00 p.m. Monday, June 10 by calling the Chamber Office at (310) 287-3850.
It’s pretty hard to put young’un Michelle Bernardin’s name and “Historical” in the same sentence, but Michelle has been named president of the Culver City Historical Society, and she brings a lot of local history to the table! Michelle was born in Culver City, and is a Culver City High School alum. She studied art history at UCLA, then went east to continue her graduate work in art history and museum studies at Tufts University in Massachusetts. For the past three years she’s served as Associate Director of Development of Women and Philanthropy at Loyola Marymount University, and program director of the LMU Women’s Leadership Council. Prior to that, she spent ten years at the Museum of Contemporary Art, managing the museum’s two volunteer support councils and the internal logistics for the annual fundraising events, has served as a member of Culver City’s Cultural Affairs Commission for the past three years. Qualified?? We think so – congratulations, Michelle!
Celebrating birthdays culminating on Sunday (Father’s Day!) this week are Bill Fecho, Bobby Pina, Ken Thompson, Daphne Yemofio, John Klutke, Alicia Minette, Felice Ganz, Anthony Ferrari, Teclezghi Andemariam, Muralidhar Margapuri, Candice Balkman, Jade Carter, Lara Embry, William Losa, John Mayer, Justin Nowlen, Hugh O’Gorman, Jyoti Puvvula, Kumiko Sasamori, Getahun Asfaw, Esperanza Banachowski, Rakeia Chambers, John Matthiesen, Marcelina Mendez, Janine Quan, Sahala Smith, Elizabeth Deangelias, Fred Wadibia, Jeri Lynn Albala, Brooke Boldemann , Ave Jacinto, Veronica Lopez, Jessica Rains, Cristen Tao, Keiko Yabushita, Lisa Burlingham, Linda Childs, Olivier De La Torre, Shereen Lanzarotta, Don Matos, Eileen Pottinger and Petra Wolfe. If you’d like to have your own, a family member or friend’s birthday noted in LOCALmotion, email [email protected] the info and you’re in!
Two important days to remember this week are Flag Day, this Friday, June 14 and Father’s Day, Sunday, June 16. Honor both – we wouldn’t be here without them !
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