Ten Culver City organizations are being honored for implementing water efficient practices within their regular operating procedures. West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin), in partnership with the City of Culver City and Golden State Water Company, will acknowledge the efforts of these organizations at the upcoming City Council Meeting on May 13, 2013.
The list of water-efficient organizations include: Culver City Unified School District, El Astro Motel, El Marino Language School, Fox Hills Pines Homeowners’ Association, Haas Entertainment, MDR Associates, Sony Pictures, Travelodge, West Los Angeles Community College (Westside Extension), and Culver City’s Veterans Park. “Culver City strives to be an environmentally conscious community. The City is pleased to be a partner with West Basin Municipal Water District to recognize the efforts of local businesses, the Culver City Unified School District, and West Los Angeles College. I hope that the outstanding water conservation efforts of the honorees will serve as an inspiration to more businesses, both in Culver City and the region”, said Culver City Mayor Jeffrey Cooper.
Culver City’s City Council, Golden State Water, and the West Basin’s Director Edward C. Little will recognize these organizations with a plaque and certificate and acknowledge the sustainable business practices that they are modeling for the local community. Director Little said, “These organizations have installed hundreds of high-efficiency devices including sprinkler nozzles, toilets, urinals, and cooling tower controllers, saving our area an estimated 11 million gallons every year, enough water for 68 households.”
West Basin’s conservation programs allow coastal Los Angeles businesses and organizations to conserve water, save money and contribute to the service area’s future water portfolio. Current conservation programs include:
· Cash for Kitchens- provides restaurants and food service facilities with a water-use audit and free water saving devices, such as pre-rinse kitchen sprayers and water brooms,
· Recirc and Save- for large industrial customers interested in making significant changes to their cooling tower processes,
· Complete Restroom Retrofit- provides qualifying businesses, schools, restaurants and other commercial and public facilities with installation of HETs, urinals and flow restriction devices to increase water-use efficiency in the non-residential sector,
· Large Landscape Controller Rebates / Save Water, Save A Buck- provides businesses with landscape surveys and installation of High-Efficiency (HE) sprinkler nozzles
Visit the “Conservation” page at www.westbasin.org to learn more about how to take advantage of these programs for your own business or organization.
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