On Monday, April 22, 7 p.m. the BAD West St. Clair Bourne 4th Mondays Documentary Film Series presents the rescheduled screening of Stolen by filmmakers Violeta Ayala and Dan Fallshaw. This documentary follows Fetim Sellami, a black Sahaawi refugee for a reunion with her mother. Fetim was taken from her mother as a toddler by Deido, a ‘white-Arab’ woman. Thirty years later, Fetim is reuniting with her mother thanks to the United Nations Family Reunion Program.
The reunion sparks a secret which spirals the film into a dark world the filmmakers could never have imagined. The black Saharawis start talking about a forbidden subject… their “enslavement.” The filmmakers recount moments of terror when their lives were in danger as well as the extreme hardships they endured to get this compelling footage out of Northern Africa. This screening is FREE to the public. To obtain additional information call 310-202-1647 or visit www.BADWest.org or www.ClaytonMuseum.org.
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