Meeting In a Minute – Council Votes from Feb. 25

Ciclavia to CulverCity - April 21
Ciclavia to CulverCity – April 21

Here are the highlights from the City Council meeting of February 25, 2013. At this meeting, the City Council:
• Approved the Final Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for the Citywide Sidewalk Repair Project, P-428.
• Adopted a Resolution approving an Encroachment Agreement with Time Warner Cable for Use of the Public Rights-of-Way on Slauson Avenue, Jefferson Boulevard, and Selmaraine Drive.
• Approved a Purchase Order with Hewlett Packard for Hardware, Software and Service Support for the Smart Bus Network Upgrade in an Amount Not to Exceed $132,440.
• Approved a First Amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement and Grant Deed Covenant for the Property Located at 5640 Sepulveda Boulevard.
• Discussed of the City’s Proposed Participation in the Upcoming CicLAVia Event Scheduled for April 21, 2013, including the Allocation of City Resources and/or Funds. (See photo)
• Appointed Members to the Fiesta La Ballona Committee.

The Actors' Gang

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