Here’s an opportunity to test how good we are at Disaster Preparedness! Held on the third Thursday of October each year, (that’s October 18th this year), the Great California ShakeOut takes place. It’s the largest preparedness event in U.S. history, and in Culver City you have two opportunities to practice your preparedness. You can participate in the California Great ShakeOut with over 6.9 million other Californians by stopping what you are doing at 10:18 a.m. and practicing Drop, Cover and Hold On and/or participate in the City of Culver City’s “ShakeOut” (Annual Disaster Drill) at 7:00 pm by doing the same. However it’s being requested that we utilize the City’s “OK” sign program to let first responders know that you are “OK”. First responders will be canvassing neighborhoods at 7:00 pm counting “OK” signs as they practice their emergency preparedness plans. Just place an “OK” sign in your window or on your door in a location most visible from the public right-of-way to signal that you and your family are “OK”. (In the event of a real disaster, if your family was not “OK”, you would post nothing and contact 9-1-1 to let them know of injuries, etc.) For more information visit www.culvercity.org/emergencyprep. Additional information can also be found at www.ShakeOut.org.
Does this mean we ain’t got none? Culture, that is? The official notice went out that the city’s “Cultural Affairs Commission will not meet on October 9, 2012 due to a lack of agenda items.” (The next meeting is set for Tuesday, November 13 – let’s hope we’ve shaped up some by then)
Well, it’s almost in Culver City! Congratulations to Lisa Schwab and crew on the opening of Cantalini’s Express, 111736 Washington Place, Los Angeles 90066. Now you can get the “best in traditional Italian cuisine – TO GO – with takeout, delivery and catering. Just not the great atmosphere of the Playa del Rey location…but oh, well…
Two great local organizations on one night: The Culver City Historical Society (CCHS) will feature Jim Lamm, president of the Ballona Creek Renaissance (BCR) at its general meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012, at 7 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Building’s Multi-Purpose Room. Lamm will narrate a virtual tour of the creek in his presentation, “Connecting Creek and Community, Ballona Creek and its Watershed—Past, Present and Future,” a multifaceted story about people, places, and processes that will include his own personal reflections. Jim, president of BCR since 1998, teaches ecology at Antioch University-Los Angeles. He co-founded and participates in the Ballona Creek Watershed Task Force and Assembly District 47’s Environmental Cabinet; has served as a Culver City Planning Commissioner; an Historical Society board member; as an elder, deacon, and choir member at St. John’s Presbyterian Church; and with his wife Cathi, was a Peace Corps volunteer in Iran. All members of the CCHS and the public are welcome to enjoy this free program and students are encouraged to attend. The entrance to the Multi-Purpose Room is through the back of the building near the parking lot, and through the Archive & Resource Center space. For more information, please call the Society at (310) 253-6941 or inquire by e-mail [email protected]. Also, visit the CCHS website at: www.culvercityhistoricalsociety.org for updates.
This coming Saturday, October 14 at 12:30 p.m., Grace Lutheran Church will host its Annual Pet Blessing. All local friends and neighbors are invited their pets of any kind to this event. All are welcome, but it is asked that you please use a carrier for small pets, and all dogs should be on a leash. Grace Church is located at 4427 Overland Avenue. For additional information, call (310) 559-1027.
Fall-ing in to autumn birthday celebrations are Al Schreibman, Agnes McClain, Marina Tidwell, Eric Seeberger, Kenneth Leung, Natalie Meyers, Cathie Seeman, Shirley Cox, Kim Jacobi, George Audet, Robert Tidwell, Marjorie Walsleben, Olivia Andrew, Cindy Lundquist, John Ziegler, Jay Shery, Larry Burns, Joanne Laipson, Janice Church, Deborah Gregory, Barbara Hodson , Carmen Chavolla, Kimiko Kelly, Andrew Bachrach, David Friedland, Allison Schmitter, Judith Carlson, Betty Mendoza, Lynn Pacino, Felice Austin, Emelie Gerard, Timothy Lee, Natalie Marsden, Geoffrey Carr Schilling, Annick Tournissac, Miranda Vatterott, Nancy Contreras, Judith Hodson, and Liz Peterson. Would you like to add you or a friend to our weekly birthday greetings list? Just email [email protected]
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