Construction at National/Palms Starts Aug. 20

Here are the details on the  Exposition Light Rail Project’s latest notice regarding construction of the National/Palms Boulevard Bridge.

What: National/Palms Boulevard Bridge Construction

Work Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday

Where: Construction will take place on the Expo ROW

When: Work activities are scheduled as follows:

K-rail (Concrete Barrier) Installation
Monday, August 20, 2012 (Night Work) – 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

Traffic Signal Relocation Tuesday, August 21, 2012 (Day Work)

Bridge Construction Begins Wednesday, August 22, 2012 (Day Work – approximately 12 months)

Work Description:

Construction of the National/Palms Boulevard Bridge will be implemented in stages. Initial stages will include the realignment and restriping of traffic lanes on National Boulevard between Exposition Boulevard and Manning Avenue. K-rail (concrete barriers) will be placed on National Boulevard and at the northeast and northwest corners of the intersection with Exposition Boulevard. Abutment excavation will take place directly behind the K-rail to prepare the area for bridge construction. All additional construction activities will be limited to areas behind the K-rail on the Expo ROW.

Traffic Impacts:

National Boulevard will remain open to through traffic during the daytime construction activities.
One traffic lane in each direction will be closed during the nighttime work on Monday, August 20.
Once the K-Rail is in place:
Southbound National Boulevard: The street will be reduced to one lane between Manning Avenue and Exposition Boulevard. North of Manning Avenue, traffic will begin to transition to one through lane, and the right lane will be designated for right turns only. South of Manning Avenue, the left turn pocket will be eliminated, prohibiting left turns onto eastbound Exposition Boulevard, as well as U-turns.
Northbound National Boulevard will remain as two lanes. However, left turns from Palms Boulevard onto National Boulevard will be prohibited, as well as U-turns.
Eastbound and Westbound Exposition Boulevard will have all lanes open without restrictions. However, trucks will not be allowed to make right turns from westbound Exposition Boulevard onto northbound National Boulevard.
National Boulevard will be closed on five separate nights throughout the construction period. Supplemental notices and electronic message boards will be used to advise the public when the closures are scheduled.
Pedestrian access under the existing National Boulevard bridge will be maintained on the east side of National Boulevard via a designated walkway installed by the contractor.
Electronic message boards, directional signage and/or flagmen will be used to safely direct vehicles and pedestrians around the construction zone.
Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced at all times and signage with specific restrictions will be in place in all construction areas.

Local access to businesses and residences will be maintained throughout all construction activities.
Noise levels will be monitored to ensure work performed is within the necessary compliance levels.
Work crews will water down the work area to minimize dust, sweep adjacent streets of debris as needed, and the air will be monitored.
Please obey all posted construction signs and do not enter the construction work zone.

(Construction schedules are subject to change for various reasons including but not limited to: weather conditions, unforeseen emergencies and other acts of nature.)

Editor’s Note – If at first you don’t succeed ….


The Actors' Gang


  1. Wait, so the hour long backup on National by one of the few crossings of the 10 freeway is permanent???!! Who planned such a shitty thing??

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