Deadline Approaching: Sign On Now to Save Walking, Bicycling, and Safe Routes to School Funding in California!
The federal government cut funding for walking, bicycling and Safe Routes to School, but we have a chance to save it in California! You can help now by having your organization sign-on to this statement by August 20 at 3 PM. Please sign on today if you haven’t yet done so, and please forward this annoucement along!
The State Legislature and the Administration (Caltrans, Business Transportation and Housing and the Governor’s office) will be considering proposals for how to spend $3.5 billion each year in federal transportation act funds from the law MAP-21, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st century. Let’s make sure that we truly do move ahead and don’t fall behind! We need the State of California to keep federal funds for Safe Routes to School, Transportation Enhancements and Recreational Trails level from fiscal year 2012 allocations, $106 million/year. This is only 3% of the MAP-21 budget while walking and bicycling represent 15% of trips and 27% of fatalities in the state of California.
Please join the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, TransForm, California Bicycle Coalition, California Walks, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and Transportation for America and sign-on to our statement to save walking, bicycling, and Safe Routes to School funds in California today. You can get more information and view the statement again here.
Please help to spread the word to get more organizations to sign-on by Monday, August 20 at 3 PM PT.
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