Do you know whether or where to evacuate if drilling triggers a toxic event? Or how to shelter-in-place? Neither Culver City nor property owners are indemnified from personal costs to our health, safety and property damages that may result from horizontal drilling and oil extraction in areas near and under our homes?
While Culver City is preparing Municipal Code changes regarding PXP Oil & Gas
extraction in Culver City, get informed before the upcoming June 12 state hearing. An Educational Event & Activist Prep Meeting is being offered on Thursday, May 31 from 7 to 9 PM
To maximize meaningful public input and get State and municipal regulations prioritizing public safety, come attend a fact-filled preparatory event. For more information call 310-204-0570 or [email protected].
For resources to keep abreast of what other cities and states are doing regarding hydraulic fracturing: on the web go to which focuses on fracking and oil drilling in Baldwin Hills and Culver City.
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