Since 1949, small but mighty Westside Unity Church, located at 10724 Barman Ave. (just across from the Culver City Municipal Plunge), has offered local folks an alternative to more traditional Christianity, with members who are committed to making a positive difference in the world. Board president Jane Leonard invites everyone to join in each Sunday’s 10:00 a.m. worship experience that’s combined with upbeat, contemporary music. There’s also a mid-week meditation, renewal and healing service Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call (310) 838-4761.
On the sick list is Bob Wassertheur, former CCPD Sergeant and CCUSD security chief, hospitalized in Oceanside. Please join us in sending Bob your positive thoughts and prayers.
Interested in becoming part of the City’s decision-making process? A good way to start is to apply for membership on a Commission, Board, or Advisory Committee (be careful, it can lead to bigger things, as we well know). Openings are currently available on the Planning, Parks & Recreation, Civil Service and Cultural Affairs Commissions; the Disability Advisory Committee; Committee on Homelessness and the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Board. Find out more on the City’s website (www.culvercity.org). City Hall business hours are 7:30 A.M.–5:30 P.M. but is closed on Monday, May 28 in observance of Memorial day, and on June 1. Applications will be accepted by the City Clerk’s Office until 5:00 PM on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 and are tentatively scheduled to be considered by the City Council on Monday, June 11, 2012.
Both new and established business owners can benefit from a Small Business “Prep for Primes” Workshop presented by Senator Curren D. Price, Jr., Chair of the California Senate Select Committee on Procurement at WLA College on Saturday, June 2, 2012 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Participants can discover what financial resources and technical assistance are available to grow their business; find out what procurement opportunities are available at federal, state, and local public agencies; hear directly from prime contractors and major corporations about their supplier diversity programs; and learn the benefits of certification as well as what it takes to get certified to do business with federal, state, and local agencies. Attendees should bring business cards, portfolios, licenses, plus any handouts that would help top prime contractors present choose YOUR business for future projects. To reserve a place, call (213) 745-6656 or email [email protected].
There are multiple ways to keep your kids busy this summer, whether it’s through the programs offered by the Culver City Parks & Recreation Department (Day Camp & Teen Camp), Culver City Adult School’s “Summer Classes 4 Kids,” Culver-Palms Family YMCA Day and Resident camps and caravans, or the multitude of summer programs offered via Culver City’s active spiritual community. Summer goes by fast for us, but it often drags for the youngsters, so get them involved!
Looking for something fun to start next weekend? How about shopping the Giant Yard Sale on Grace Lutheran Church’s front lawn this Friday, June 1 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. – better still, it continues on Saturday, June 2, 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Know Grace devotees, there’ll also be an accompanying Bake Sale, so stock up on homemade goodies for now and for your freezer. The church is located at 4427 Overland Ave. For more information, call the office at (310) 559-1027. Proceeds from the sale go to benefit the Youth Programs at Grace.
Celebrating birthdays this week are Linda Magana, Linda Lovgren, Paul Smith, Jake Jakubowski, Ron Engen, Dennis Mellon, Preston Carter, Heather Nuques, Shirley Culver, Sarah Moss, Kristina Tepley, Gretchen Kubacky, Joel Swartz, Carol Chan, Matese Sharpless, Christopher Velazquez, Norma Aeschlimann, Debbie Corwin, Justine Darling, Ermelinda Gutierre, and Stephon Litwinczuk. If you’d like your birthday mentioned in LOCALmotion, let us know at [email protected]
We’ll soon be heading on a road trip that will culminate in Hilton Head Island, SC, so we’ll be reporting on some Culver City news via smartphone, but also adding in any interesting tidbits we discover along the way!
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