CCHS Robotics – The World Championship

Team Behind Glass

Going into the final match of the qualifying rounds, the Bagel Bytes needed a big win to be considered for selection in the quarterfinals. They got the win, 50 to 25 and finished 11th in their division. Unfortunately they were not selected for one of the eight alliances that moved on to the quarterfinals. The Bagels Bytes are the first alternate team, should any robot have a problem during the final rounds, team 702 will replace them.
All in all CCHS’s Team 702, The Bagel Bytes, performed extremely well. Led by team captain Arielle “Brownie” Singer, this year’s team was highly successful. Co-drivers Brian “Box Boy” Beallo and Anneliese “The Joker” Meyer drove the robot throughout the competition. During play, Brian steers the robot around the playing field, scooping up balls and moving the robot to the hoop. Anneliese operates the tower and dunking arm. Bianca “Scraps” Huang is head of programming. Her code steers the robot during its autonomous mode and the robot scores an average of 8 points per round because of her programming. Taj “IBMS III” Carter is the co-leader of mechanics and the human player on the team. During a match his task is to try and sink shots across the court. Amaris “Noodles” Bellford heads up the drive train team. Her team makes certain that the robots drive train operates flawlessly. She’s is also an expert at scouting the competition. Geronimo Lopez, nicknamed “Gopher” is the back-up programmer and an expert at stand scouting. Stand scouting is watching the matches from the stands and noticing the strengths and weaknesses of the various teams. The last member of the team at world’s is Nin “Nibbler” Reynoza. Nina is the electronics team leader.
These eight students, 6 sophomores and 2 seniors represented CCHS well.

The Actors' Gang

1 Comment

  1. Thank you Judith for posting this. It’s nice to have such good news about CCHS.

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