We’re back! But this time? No inky fingers, no extra trash to fill up your recycling bin – just local news! News about the folks YOU know, news about the clubs, churches and organizations YOU belong to, and more! We’re in motion – in LOCALmotion! and we’d like you to be part of it. Send your press releases, club bulletins, or any newsy items you feel are fun and fit “to print” and let’s share them with Culver City Crossroads’ fast- growing list of readers – email to [email protected]. Remember to include your web address – links here are live and you can click right through.
So what’s going on? Culver City rockhounds abound – and the Culver City Rock & Mineral Club’s membership continues to grow. Newest members Avery Ock Michalak and Lisa Kim Wiener have just joined this active group, and you can bet they’ll be ready to work come June 30-July 1 when the Annual Fiesta of Gems hits Culver City.
Speaking of the Rock & Mineral Club, the Friends of the Culver City Scout House are excited to announce that they and the CCR&MC have successfully executed a 20-year lease with the City to continue their joint occupancy of the Scout House property, located at 10866 Culver Blvd. Building renovations are underway, and tax-deductible donations are very welcome for this construction. Treasurer Sharon Bowman urges all to visit www.culvercityscouthouse.org and donate!
You’re aware that March 20 is the First Day of Spring, and who would be more into that than the Culver City Garden Club? The club will celebrate the season and their local ties by convening future meetings at Star Education, 10117 Jefferson Blvd. The April 3 meeting will feature Bart O’Brien from Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens, who will speak on “California Native Plants for Your Garden.” Refreshments will abound, and visitors are welcome – the meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit www.culvercitygardenclub.org.
When it’s your half-century high school reunion, you obviously need to (up your vitamin intake and) plan ahead, and the Culver City High School Class of 1962 is doing just that: They’re celebrating their 50 year reunion Saturday September 29 2012, at the Courtyard Marriott in Culver City with a dinner dance, (quiet music) and lots of time to re-connect. They’ll be joining with the ‘50s/ 60s Alumni group on Sunday the 30th for a picnic at the high school and will also take advantage of the opportunity to gather at the historic Culver Hotel or the Marriott on the Friday before for lots of memory sharing. The committee is also looking into a Sony Studios and Historic Culver City tour and maybe even a little golf as well. For more information contact Joy Thorn Agnew at [email protected] or Robbin Smith at [email protected] or [email protected] Visit the Alumni web site at www.cchsa.org for updates.
What a concept! Downtown Culver City’s “Third Wednesday” (March 21) is focusing on “Women’s History Month,” and features all kinds of specials for the ladies. Visit www.downtownculvercity.com to find discounts on food, wine, and well…is there really anything else? Hours are from 5 – 9 p.m., so bundle up for a Downtown stroll and enjoy live music, and did we mention – discounts on food and wine?
Their busiest Spring continues: Fresh from saying adios to the U.S. – Mexico Sister City Association Convention, the Culver City Sister City Committee, Inc . announces its March Quarterly Dinner, set for this Tuesday, March 20 at the Grand Casino on Main Street. The event will honor visiting marathon runners from Kaizuka, Japan and our own Culver City marathon runners (who participated in the Senshu Marathon in Kaizuka in February) beginning with cocktails at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 7:00 p.m. The menu choices are extensive, and reservations may still be available at $25.00 per person by calling Alice at (310) 642-7604 or [email protected].
A lot of Culver City History – all in one room. That was the sold-out tribute to Steve Rose’s 25 years with the Culver City Chamber of Commerce, held last Friday evening. The newly redecorated Doubletree Hilton provided a beautiful setting for the event, crammed with local businessfolk, community members and Chamber of Commerce execs from neighboring cities – even the top Chamber gun from Sacramento came to laud Steve. The testimonials – not exactly a roast, but pretty darned near – brought back warm memories of Steve’s long-time influence and accomplishments in Our Town. Go, S-S-S-Steve!
Editor’s Note – Crossroads is delighted to have Jozelle joining our staff box. If you want to get the word out on Culver City events and milestones, you got the go-to girl here.
So glad to have you back writing your column! A good thing for Culver City!
Great column, as usual, Jozelle. I really enjoyed reading it, and look forward to reading more very soon. You’re the one who really knows where the heart of Culver City is–the people. Cheers, Ruby
Just like the good ol’ days!!! Welcome back Jozelle … we missed reading you!
Welcome back Jozelle! Reporting the local news, events, acknowledgements and opportunities makes it easy to connect with the community.
Glad to see you providing the skinny again, Jozelle! 🙂
Yippee!! Now life can return to normal! Great to have you back!
Fantastic! Missed all of the local news you provided on the Culver City community,its organizations and people. Look forward to reading.
A late, but enthusiastic welcome back, Joz! You’re Numero Uno in providing local news.