Here in Los Angeles we have peach trees…and true to February 14, there are peach blossoms, which signify love is in the air.
Amazingly enough – we have two peach trees in our yard, and the one in the Black Hat Sect romance corner (our compass school East corner) is the one with the peach blossoms. It is an indication that feng shui energies are attracting love.
What can you do to attract love to your life? Well, first of all, check your black hat sect romance corner and make sure it is conducive for love.
And, you might sleep with your head to your personal love direction — you determine your kua number with a given formula, and then you find your nien yen, or love sector. You might also carry crystals in your pocket, in your car, or in your house. I recommend rose quartz or amethyst crystals, powerful love attractors.
You can also put mandarin ducks, or any pair, in the southwest corner (earth) – a traditional compass school relationship corner. Mandarin ducks symbolize young married love — love with a happy ending. And, you can check your flying star compass school chart to see if your bedroom is in an auspicious corner of your home. If not, you might need a special cure.
And then you use powerful mind techniques in your meditations. Although I suggest people write down their ideal soul mate – the simplest way to find out if there is a significant other in your life is to concentrate on how you feel. If someone makes you feel good, is protective, and cares for you — and makes you feel comfortable and happy, I think it’s an excellent predictor of positive peach blossom.
And, if you need to activate your peach blossom, to bring romance into your life, there is a feng shui peach blossom formula – putting flowers in certain sectors of your home, to help you.
So February 14 and all its peach blossom glory arrives this Tuesday…just remember love begins with you – and good feng shui will help you to energize it.
Happy peach blossom to everyone!
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