Governor Brown signed or vetoed hundreds of bill this past session, many of which couldn’t meet the financial test. The ongoing economic downturn in California and throughout the country has forced the Capitol to place revenue restrictions on legislation that makes sense but simply costs more than the state budget can afford. Still, there was some success in some areas. Senator Curren Price was “happy to report that 80 percent of my bills were signed into law by the Governor.”
In a newsletter sent to Culver City constituents, Price emphasized his commitment to community.
“I would like to share with you my continued focus on small businesses. We must ensure opportunities for the businesses and communities in this state that need a voice the most. I intend to lead the efforts to ensure that the strength of emerging businesses is a continued focus to assure maximum participation of our communities and constituents.”
Noting the importance of the incoming Expo Line, Price stated “As a strong advocate for small businesses, I introduced nearly a dozen bills this year that will positively impact small businesses, including a legislative package aimed at guaranteeing participation for California businesses in all stages of building the California High Speed Rail. These bills will, among other things, set standards for small business involvement in High Speed Rail contracting, require the California High Speed Rail Authority to specifically outline efforts pertaining to small business in its business plan and specify the role that local employees will play in segments of the project.”
While the coming year is one in which local elections may be at the forefront, the lawmakers working in Sacramento will be making crucial decisions affecting Culver City. Stay in touch with Sen. Price at his website dist26.casen.govoffice.com/
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