The Foundation for Global Sports Development (GSD) has granted $7,500 to CCEF to help fund the CCHS Athletic Department Academic Support Plan. The goal of the CCHS program is to prepare athletes to be successful beyond high school by giving them the qualities that come from being part of a team and the confidence that results from gaining academic success.
The funding from GSD will provide academic coaches for each of the sports teams to assist in supporting the academic performance of student athletes. The philosophy of this program is to continuously and proactively monitor student athletic performance from the outset and to provide support systems for students who are in academic need.
CCHS students will participate in GSD’s Culture, Education, Sport and Ethics Program(CESEP)designed to get teachers, counselors and students from across the globe to exchange ideas about the culture of sport: competition on a level playing field with an understanding the meaning of clean and drug-free competition.
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