The California State PTA is calling for a November 2012 ballot measure to begin restoring education programs for our students.
At the October meeting, the State Board of Managers approved a motion to support a united effort to restore education funding, including urging state leaders, organizations, businesses and individuals to work together to qualify and pass a measure for the ballot. This action was taken in direct response to member input, including resolutions approved at the recent convention. In an annual survey, adequate state funding for education was again the resounding priority: 98.6 percent of respondents said it was important or extremely important; 89.2 percent singled it out as extremely important. No other issue came close to this level of support.
In the survey and in PTA resolutions, parents have made it clear that they believe schools must have adequate funding to ensure every student has access to a complete education that includes physical education, arts and music, libraries and counselors, as well as STEM instruction (science, technology, engineering and math).
While talk in Sacramento often centers on the reform of the week, what matters most to the PTA is what happens on the ground in our schools and in classrooms each day.
Carol Kocivar, President of the California State PTA offered ” We know that public education is our collective responsibility and that we must all step up to restore its promise. California must provide quality education today to lead us to a more prosperous tomorrow.”
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